2022 Red Wing Arts Plein Air
$5,000 awarded by judge, Bob Upton
Congratulations to all winning artists!
$1,000 - Dan Guida Best of Show
Richard Abraham
Lakeview Farm
$750 - Second place Christopher Copeland
Morning Over Red Wing
$500 - Third place Dan Wiemer
Shadows of Maiden Rock
$300 - Best Sense of Place
MichelLe Wegler
Sumner Street and Manypenny Ave
Sponsored by Outdoor Painters of Minnesota (OPM)
$300 - Best sense of Red Wing Diane Foster
Morning for Industry
Sponsored by Red Wing Shoes
$300 - Best Watercolor JAmes Turner
Dog Day
$300 - Best Oil Kelly Schamberger
Sumac at Frontenac
$300 - best pastel Lisa Stauffer
In To Hay Creek
$300 - best collection Hannah C. Heyer
Taking it Slow, Rattlesnake Bluff Through the Trees, Strawberry Moon Sundae
$300 - Best nocturne TODD SCHABEL
Levee Road, Red Wing
$100 - Judge’s award of merit Derek Davis
Heavens Declare
$100 - judge’s award of merit Dan Mackerman
Sunset Patina
$100 - judge’s award of merit TROY TATLOCK
Sunrise Slide
$100 - judge’s award of merit Avon Waters
Breaking Light, Tree Line
$100 - open class award of merit Anne Molasky
On Track
$100 - open class award of merit JACK DANT
Hanson Built Beauty
$200 - best quick paint, artist’s choice Derek Davis
Light & Color
$100 - Best quick paint, RWA choice JAmES Turner
The Sun Came Out!