2025 Poet Artist Collaboration


Don’t miss the opportunity to hear some of the finest poets in the region read selections of their poetry! During these Poetry Readings participating poets will read a selection of their work, including the work featured in the Poet Artist Collaboration exhibition.

Readings will take place in the Red Wing Arts Depot Gallery (418 Levee Street, Red Wing) to experience both the selected poems and the artwork inspired by the poems on exhibit.

No pre-registration required. RWA welcomes all community members to attend these free weekly readings; come enjoy as your schedule allows.

ASL interpretation will be offered at the May 18 reading. Please let us know if additional accommodations are needed for the May 4 reading at least two weeks before.

May Poetry Readings, Sundays 1-3 pm:

May 4

Featuring participating poets: Betty Benson, Elizabeth Curry, Rob Hardy, Mary Kelly, Loren Niemi, Pamela Sinicrope, and Steven R. Vogel.

May 18

Featuring participating poets: Amelia Colwell, Becky Boling, Daniel Dietrich, Tom Driscoll, Catherine Galascione, Kathleen T. Leuschen, Susan Jaret McKinstry, Marcia Savela, & Amie Stager.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund.