Fractured Collaboration: The Magic of Mosaics
Minnesota Mosaic Guild Statement: Established in 2004, the Minnesota Mosaic Guild (MMG) was formed to promote the art of mosaic; foster exploration and experimentation in the media; provide educational opportunities in mosaic; and share and celebrate the diversity of experience and knowledge in the media. Our members emerge from a multitude of artistic backgrounds including sculpture, art instruction, jewelry making, graphic design and oil painting.
A Collaboration of 19 Artists
Laura Lee
Mimi Leminh
Amy Leyden
Susan Mathis
Maureen Rath
Marla Riemer
Barbara Steen
Elizabeth Taras
Lisa Vitkus
Trudy Vrchota
Rachel Arntson
Shelley Beaumont
Rebecca Campbell
Kristin Dieng
Debra D'Souza
Maria Durnbaugh
Kelly Holzer
Janet Houck
Kellie Hoyt
Janine Irisarri