Oct 19: Art & Creativity for Healing with Jane Grant-Abban

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Oct 19: Art & Creativity for Healing with Jane Grant-Abban


This workshop provides participants with a safe space to explore and express their personal experiences and emotions — the everyday ones and the difficult ones. During this therapeutic art process, you will discover how to authentically express yourself using color to create 4-6 expressive abstract paintings, which will go on speaking to you long after the workshop has ended. Anyone can enjoy and benefit from this wonderful therapeutic art process. You don’t have to consider yourself artistic or even be able to draw a stick figure!

Art & Creativity for Healing will allow you to:

  • Achieve a greater self-awareness

  • Recognize your ability to process many emotions in a healthy way

  • Communicate thoughts and feelings when often words are inadequate

Class information:

  • Oct 19, 10 am - 2:30 pm

  • Teaching artist: Jane Grant-Abban

  • Level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced

  • Age: 16+

  • Class size: 5-12

  • Participation fee: $145

  • Art Medium: Painting

  • Supplies included with class fee

Artist Bio: Jane Grant-Abban is an artist, author, and therapeutic art instructor certified in a unique therapeutic art process called Art & Creativity For Healing. She has 40 years of teaching experience and specializes in creating transformative workshops that leave a positive impact on the lives of those she teaches.

You can view her work at https://www.abbanart.com/

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