Registration Policies & Waiting Lists

Class Confirmation

You will receive a registration confirmation via email. If you do not have an email address, you will receive a snail-mail confirmation. Please read your class confirmation carefully as it may include a supply list and other important details.

Materials Fees

Many workshops have materials fees in addition to participation fees. These are identified in the class listing and paid with the participation payment.

Cancellation Policy

While we recognize that life intrudes and plans change, in consideration of the time and energy instructors invest in preparing for classes, we must adhere to the following cancellation policies:

Participant cancellations:
- Cancellations made 14 days before the date for any given workshop are eligible or a refund, less 25% of the participation fee.
- Cancellations made 7 days or less before the date of any given workshop are not eligible for refunds.
- Cancellation requests must be made by calling Heather at 952-994-1325.

Red Wing Arts cancellations:
- If Red Wing Arts must cancel a workshop, you will be notified immediately via email or phone and will receive a full refund.
- If a workshop does not meet a minimum number of participants, it may be cancelled. A decision to cancel a class due to under enrollment will be made days prior to the workshop date.

Waiting List

If a workshop you are interested is is sold out, please email Heather, and we will contact you if a spot becomes available. Include the name and date of the class in your email. Thank you!