Embarking on your journey as a novice clay artist, the workshops offered by Tami Resler present a unique and invaluable opportunity to dive deep into the world of clay artistry. These sessions are designed not just to introduce you to the basics of clay work but to infuse your creative journey with a variety of techniques that will make your artworks stand out. Whether you're exploring the intricate method of sgraffito, the delicate art of carving, or the innovative techniques of resists and masking, each class is structured to broaden your artistic horizon and add a distinctive flair to your creations.
One of the key benefits of participating in these workshops is the hands-on experience you'll gain under the guidance of an experienced teaching artist. Tami Resler brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for clay art that is both inspiring and motivating. This setting not only fosters a deeper understanding of the craft but also cultivates a supportive community atmosphere where ideas and techniques can be freely shared among peers.
Just starting out or looking to refine your skills, these workshops serve as a stepping stone towards mastering the art of clay, setting a solid foundation for your future creations and ensuring that your art journey is as exciting and unique as the pieces you'll create.
Take one or both sessions!
May 11: 10am-12pm and/or May 25: 10am-12pm
Teaching artist: Tami Resler
Level: Ages 15+
Class size: 8
Participation fee: $60