Tree for All
Displayed annually in the Central Park Bandshell
A community project that began in May 2019 and was completed during Holiday Stroll with a Tree Lighting Ceremony held in Central Park, Red Wing MN.
This project consists of over 1200 granny squares that were created by 20 community members. We began the project in May and progressed over the summer with community members crocheting the squares. The goal was to create a covering for a holiday tree.
Peg Hansen – Volunteer at Red Wing Arts (RWA) and force behind The Tree for All says, “The Tree for All project came about due to an offhand share late last winter of a fiber idea from my friend Mette Biering. Pretty soon we thought we actually might be able to carry it out locally. We hardly believed it possible ourselves. It started slow and then gathered steam as other fiber lovers came together. The RWA summer concert series became our meet-up and here we are in November with a colorful result of community in action through fiber art! What FUN it has been!”
Red Wing Arts would like to thank the following participants, Lois Alms, Linda Anderson, Elaina Borgschatz, Deb Chance, Mette Biering, Judy Clayton, Susan Crocker, Gabby Foos, Hannah Hannah Hansen, Peg Hansen, Barb Hanson, Natalie Hanson, Tracy Harris, Ethel M, Maggie Paynter, Joyce Oelkers Peterson, Jan Pinsonneault, Ann Schafer, M Clare Schuster Doyle, Bit Fossay Skaar, Dee Swinarski, Kris Peterson Toegel and others.